Legal FAQ’s

What are the legal services for owning property in El Salvador as a foreigner?

El Salvador offers a foreign-friendly property market. You can own property outright with minimal restrictions. We have the best lawyers in the country on speed dial to ensure a smooth and legal transaction.

What are the tax implications of relocating to El Salvador?

El Salvador has a territorial tax system, meaning you only pay taxes on income earned within the country. We have an international tax advisors that can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

What are the legal aspects of starting a business in El Salvador as a foreigner?

El Salvador allows 100% foreign ownership of businesses. However, specific legal procedures and regulations do exist. We have amazing lawyers that specialize in business formation.

What legal recourse do I have in case of a dispute in El Salvador?

The Salvadoran legal system offers various avenues for resolving disputes, including mediation and litigation. We have the right lawyers to answer your questions and help you understand your options with the legal process.

What resources are available to help me navigate legal matters in El Salvador as a foreigner?

We have bilingual legal team members specializing in Real Estate, Immigration, Business Formation, Importing/ Exporting and more.

How are intellectual property rights (e.g., trademarks, copyrights) protected in El Salvador?

El Salvador recognizes and protects intellectual property rights. We can help you understand the registration process and potential legal recourse in case of infringement is crucial. We have intellectual property lawyers that can safeguard your intellectual property rights.

What are the legal requirements for registering a company in El Salvador?

  • The process involves choosing a company name, drafting articles of incorporation, obtaining a business license, and registering with relevant tax authorities.

  • Different company structures exist (e.g., sole proprietorship, limited liability company), and each has specific legal requirements.

  • We have the best business formation lawyers in the country that will help you to navigate the process efficiently and ensure legal compliance.